The characters don't look original and the dialogue was pretty cheesy. If this is in english then why give the characters japanese names?
The characters don't look original and the dialogue was pretty cheesy. If this is in english then why give the characters japanese names?
to make fun of bad english anime dubbing
Absolutely loved it. The humour was right on the money and the eighteen minute run time was really impressive. Hoping this is the first of more to come. Not enough people put the effort into making something entertaining that goes for more than two minutes. Really I'm just psyched to see more of your work
thank you so much, that means alot to me
Haha, nice work
Really liked it, good work.
A splendid animation
This a marvellous flash depicting the struggle of lower class society, trying to break free from a robotic society through a never ending cycle. The concepts behind this flash are extensive and emotionally deep, people who don't appreciate this flash are clearly uneducated faggots.
You've captured the essence of my vision in its simplistic beauty. Kudos to you fine gentleman!
Nice practice Animation
I understand that this flash was made for the soul purpose of honing in on you ski11z so I won't bash the fact that it had no story, becuase if you wanted to practice story writing you'd have written one in your blog;) The animation was very smooth and moved at a nice frame rate. As it was short there isn't much to comment on though next time you may want to practice by putting skins onto you characters. If you want an easy way to do frame by frame I'm afraid there really is none and like you queried it will come in time, sorry. All things aside good job and I hope to see a full fledged flash from you soon.
I'll be sure to let you know when this next one is out! Thanks for the honesty in your review!
stick to the humor
this was a decent submission though I didn't think it fitted together with the rest of the series. It's never a good idea to move into art house drama once you've been established as a comedic writer unless you've had several blood clots to the brain
Now that's a silly thing to say. Ages ago Steven Spielberg directed the kid's movie Hook. Now, with your logic, since he made a children's film, he wouldn't be allowed to go on and direct say, Saving Private Ryan or Shindler's List?
This short is as serious as you want it to be.
hillarious if not awesome
It was short and sweet and at first I expected it to be rather genric but boy was I wrong , not only is this flash funny it's straight to the point and honest , hope to see more like this one
Not sure what you mean be generic but alright thanks ;)
Loved it
I liked how the movie was as if you were commenting as you played the game , I've done that with friends with heaps of games , it's hell fun to poke fun at game sas you play them with others . I found the flash to be very well animated have clear audio and kick ass replay value . I like flash of this nature and hope you can produce more of this nature
Well, hopefully the extras collection from this episode will be more of the same, albeit with no storyline. But yeah, thanks for watching, glad you enjoyed it!
not bad , not bad
I can see that a fair bit of effort went into this flash , however here is my basic summary:
-descent animation
-alright humor
- potential
not so good:
-the motion tweening at the start was sketchy
-audio was kind of sketchy
over all it was alright imo
alright, all the stuff that is bad im trying to improve, thx for the review.
very nice
i like the concept of this flash it very humerous . i realy thought it was funny when it said hes climbed walls but is using a ladder , although its a bit short i still give it a 3/5 :)
thank you, its a short next submition will be longer, I promise.
Is it time?
Age 33, Male
University of Organ Harvesting
Joined on 7/28/06